[My]3DsizeMe backup procedures

[My]3DsizeMe backup procedures

A. Backup using iTunes

This procedure will allow you to export your 3DsizeMe files from your iPad to your PC computer. If, for any reason, you lose your iPad or it is unusable, you will be able to restore your last unsubmitted files to a new a device. Please note that the iPad is not intended to be the place to archive your patient’s files. Preferably, you should submit your scans as soon as possible to your PC and save them there.

1.    Click on the Export button in 3DsizeMe settings.

2.    Make sure iTunes is installed on your PC. Then, plug the iPad on your PC.

3.    You should then see your iPad’s name in the left column. Click on the iPad logo at the top:

4.    Click on File sharing in the left column, then on 3DsizeMe in the middle column. After a few seconds, you should see an “Export.zip”  file appear on the right:

5.    Copy the export.zip file out of the iTunes window, in the folder of your choice, on the desktop for example. (For the newest version of iTunes, there is a button at the bottom of the screen for saving).


A-1. Restoring your iPad data using iTunes

1.    Plug the iPad to the computer where you saved your 3DsizeMe data with iTunes.

2.    Open iTunes.

3.    Click and highlight 3DsizeMe.

4.    Put back the zip file under the 3DsizeMe documents heading in the right column.

5.    Go to your iPad, in 3DsizeMe, in the settings, scroll down and click on Import.

6.    Close the settings box and 3DsizeMe.

7.    Restart 3DsizeMe. You should see all your data restored.


Important: Please note that this backup feature is not an archiving system. If you get over 4 GB of data in 3DSizeMe, you won’t be able to make a backup as explained above.  The best way to back up your scans is to submit them to your PC and make an extra copy from this source.

B. Backup using the file manager on your iPad

1.    Go in 3DsizeMe settings, scroll down to the bottom of the menu and click on Export.

2.    Click on the iPad file manager logo 

3.    Click on My iPad then on 3DsizeMe, click and hold the “Export” file then on Share. You can then use the method of your choice to get this file out of the iPad. If the file is too big for email, you may want to use a file hosting website, like Google Drive, One Drive, etc.

B-1. Restoring your iPad data using your iPad

1.    From the NEW IPAD, go to your hosting website and find the Export file you have generated.

2.    Copy and paste the file in the 3DsizeMe folder (My iPad).

3.    Go in the 3DsizeMe settings and click on Import:

4.    Restart 3DsizeMe. You should see all your data restored.

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