According to the orientation and the nature of your scan, youmayneed to change the alignment points in MSoft. It is a manipulation necessary to takeaccuratemeasurements.
There istwo types of alignmentmethods :
The 4 points view : itallowsyou to alignyour scan within 4 different angles and isespeciallyused for a baby’shead scan. You willneed to retake scan of the baby’sheadevery few months to follow itsevolution. Using the 4 points viewallowsyou to find an accurate plan basedthat can beused as a reference point for further scans.
The skeleton function. Since a kneeis not completely vertical but hinged, its position willcreate an angle that must betakenintoconsideration. To do so, you can use the alignmentmethodcalled Skeleton function. This functionwillallowyou to place a base plan on the knee, and createtwo vertical linesthatadapt to the leg orientation. As you can see on the picture, the thigh has not the same orientation as the shin. This functionisused to createaccuratecircumferences for each part of the leg.
Using MSoft + This document describes the steps to follow when you perform and submit a scan with MSoft +, also called the autoprocess. To summarize, you will scan, add an order form, submit to the autoprocess in the cloud, then submit the resulting ...
Getting started with the [My]3DsizeMe app First, make sure the following are always up to date: The iOS version of your iPad The 3DsizeMe app To download or update on the App Store, you need your Apple ID. Make sure you always have it with you so you ...