Einstar Installation

Einstar Installation

How to install the Einstar Scanner on your computer

To install your scanner correctly, you will need to perform the following steps

  1. Download the 2 installers :
    1. For each installer, copy and paste the following links in your browser’s address box:
      1. MSoft for Einstar 3.16.0: https://spaces.hightail.com/receive/gm2hClIJrC
      2. Exstar for MSoft: https://spaces.hightail.com/receive/liqTWWAlae
    2. After reaching the above addresses, click on the download button:

  2. Go to your Download folder.
  3. Double click on the first installer (Exstar) to execute it.
  4. Double click on the second installer (MSoft) to execute it.
  5. Start MSoft. Enter the MSoft Activation key that was provided to you via email and click on ‘Activate’:

  6. If you already used and scanned with your Einstar scanner, go to step 11.
  7. If it’s the first time you use it, Start MSoft, click on ‘Edit’, ‘Options’ and ‘Scan’. Make sure the Einstar scanner is selected and click on ‘ok’ at the bottom-right corner of the box.

  8. Make sure the Einstar is plugged in and functional. Start the calibration tool:

  9. If you don’t have a Shining account, create one.
  10. When you log in, the License file will download automatically and you will see that the calibration tool is functional. Close the calibration tool.
  11. Go to this location and search for the license file (*.ple):
    1. C:/Shining 3D/Exstar/Res/EinscanE-10/ini/plane.
    2. Copy the .ple file.
  12. Go to the following location:
    1. C:/Program files/Techmed 3D/MSoft/Res/Einstar-E10/ini/plane
    2. Paste the .ple file there.
  13. Modify your graphic card settings:
    1. Right-click on your PC’s desktop.
    2. Open the Nvidia control panel:

  14. Select the first option, ‘Adjust image settings with preview’  top-left corner. Then Select the Advanced 3D Image settings. Click on apply (bottom-right corner):

  15. Select ‘Manage 3D Settings’ and select ‘High performance Nvidia processor’. Click on ‘Apply’:

  16. Select ‘Program settings’ and make sure you see MSoft in the list. If not, then click on ‘Add’ :

  17. Select MSoft and click on ‘Add seleted program’:

  18. Select PhysX Configuration. Select your NVIDIA graphic card, click on Apply:

  19. Close the NVIDIA settings box.
  20. Start MSoft. Then click on ‘ Scanner’ then ‘Einstar’ and ‘Calibration’.
  21. Follow the instructions to proceed with the calibration.
  22. Close the Calibration tool. MSoft will resume and you will be ready to start scanning.

For further assistance, please contact our customer support team.

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    Contact us at support@techmed3d.com!