How to install the Einstar Scanner on your computer
To install your scanner correctly, you will need to perform the following steps
- Download the 2 installers :
- For each installer, copy and paste the following links in your browser’s address box:
- MSoft for Einstar 3.16.0:
- Exstar for MSoft:
- After reaching the above addresses, click on the download button:
- Go to your Download folder.
- Double click on the first installer (Exstar) to execute it.
- Double click on the second installer (MSoft) to execute it.
- Start MSoft. Enter the MSoft Activation key that was provided to you via email and click on ‘Activate’:
- If you already used and scanned with your Einstar scanner, go to step 11.
- If it’s the first time you use it, Start MSoft, click on ‘Edit’, ‘Options’ and ‘Scan’. Make sure the Einstar scanner is selected and click on ‘ok’ at the bottom-right corner of the box.
- Make sure the Einstar is plugged in and functional. Start the calibration tool:
- If you don’t have a Shining account, create one.
- When you log in, the License file will download automatically and you will see that the calibration tool is functional. Close the calibration tool.
- Go to this location and search for the license file (*.ple):
- C:/Shining 3D/Exstar/Res/EinscanE-10/ini/plane.
- Copy the .ple file.
- Go to the following location:
- C:/Program files/Techmed 3D/MSoft/Res/Einstar-E10/ini/plane
- Paste the .ple file there.
- Modify your graphic card settings:
- Right-click on your PC’s desktop.
- Open the Nvidia control panel:
- Select the first option, ‘Adjust image settings with preview’ top-left corner. Then Select the Advanced 3D Image settings. Click on apply (bottom-right corner):
- Select ‘Manage 3D Settings’ and select ‘High performance Nvidia processor’. Click on ‘Apply’:
- Select ‘Program settings’ and make sure you see MSoft in the list. If not, then click on ‘Add’ :
- Select MSoft and click on ‘Add seleted program’:
- Select PhysX Configuration. Select your NVIDIA graphic card, click on Apply:
- Close the NVIDIA settings box.
- Start MSoft. Then click on ‘ Scanner’ then ‘Einstar’ and ‘Calibration’.
- Follow the instructions to proceed with the calibration.
- Close the Calibration tool. MSoft will resume and you will be ready to start scanning.